The only thing that matters in mixing a song is how much energy and emotion you drive through the speakers. Gregory Germain

Gregory Germain


Born and raised in France, Gregory fell in love with Japanese music and culture from a very young age.
He jumped into the Japanese music industry in 2007 starting as a runner then moved to Greenbird Studio in 2008 where he started his career as an assistant engineer.
After a few years assisting the best engineers and producers he started his first engineer works with various artists.

Né en France, Gregory Germain grandit bercé par la culture japonaise et tombe sous le charme de sa scène musicale dès son plus jeune âge.
À l’âge de 20 ans, il part pour le Japon afin de poursuivre son rêve, devenir ingénieur du son. 
Il intègre une école spécialisée ou il étudiera pendant deux ans, son diplôme en poche, il décroche rapidement un poste d’assistant au studio Greenbird.
Cette expérience lui permettra de se former auprès de nombreux artistes majors, producteurs dans tous les styles confondus.
